PEER Testbeds

The PEER Testbeds Project was active from 2001 – 2005 and was used to further help researchers develop the PEER Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE) methodology.

The Testbeds were six real facilities, inventories of facilities, or networks to which the PEER PBEE assessment and design methodologies were applied: two buildings (Van Nuys Building and Life Sciences Building on the U.C. Berkeley campus), two bridges (Humboldt Bay Bridge and I-880 Testbed), one highway network, and one building campus.

The primary purpose of the testbeds was to assess the applicability of the PBEE methodologies and foster their refinement. The testbeds also further focused and integrated the research, promoted multi-disciplinary research interactions, emphasized systems level research, and involved interested earthquake professionals and decision-makers.

While the project is now concluded, the testbed materials (models, data files, reports, complete PBEE analysis example, etc.) are still archived at the Testbed website so that they may be of continued use to researchers and practitioners.

Visit the PEER Testbeds site.